Grounding or Earthing is putting the body in direct and uninterrupted contact with the earth. Grounding removes excess electrical charge on an object by transferring electrons between it and another object of substantial size, in our case – between our body and the earth.
Grounding is in our DNA
Our modern lifestyle insulates us from the ground and surrounds us with electricity from cables and wireless transmissions. We insulate ourselves the majority of the time by wearing insulating synthetic shoes, by living in insulated homes and by driving insulated cars.
This insulation creates a positive electrical build-up. This charge turns out to be quiet harmful to our bodies, disrupting the nervous system, creating inflammation throughout the body (positively charged free radicals have no way to be drained) and raises our cortisol levels.
Grounding is a therapeutic technique that involves finding ways for your body to plug back in to the Earth, an abundant source of natural negatively charged electrons, and drain this excess positive charge. One way to plug back is by wearing grounding footwear. Studies show that this helps with reducing blood pressure, inflammation, regulate sleep, blood-sugar levels, and more.
Natural Benefits
Studies show that being directly connected and “plugged” into the earth can:
- Eliminate excess electrical build-up and neutralize harmful EMFs
- Reduce inflammation and pain
- Normalize cortisol levels and reduce stress levels
- Regulate biological rhythms and improve sleep
- Improve circulation
Natural Conductive Elements
There is a good reason why it feels so good walking barefoot on grass at the park or on sand at the beach. By directly touching the ground, we absorb earth’s electrons and tune in to earth’s natural frequencies
We created our shoes to allow uninterrupted electron flow from your feet to the ground. We use premium eco-friendly natural materials throughout, to make them healthy, comfortable, simple and grounding!
Copper is an incredible metal that has been used by people across the world for millennia. Copper is a highly conductive, durable, and antimicrobial and is attributed with many health benefits.
We use copper in our shoes as a conductor of electron flow from the earth to your body through the soles of your feet.
Leather, like skin, is a conductive material. The moisture of the outdoors and perspiration from your feet increase conductivity making our leather soled shoes the ideal grounding shoes.
Sustainably sourced and eco-friendly leather and goatskin throughout the shoes. We use only chrome-free, water based and nontoxic vegetable dyes. Respectful to the environment and to the health of the wearer.